Roomba Combo j5+ vs. Roomba Combo j7+

George Doyle

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In today’s fast-paced world, everyone is looking for ways to make life a bit easier. One of the tools that has become a household favorite is the robotic vacuum cleaner. Among the top brands in this category, iRobot’s Roomba stands out. The Roomba Combo series, in particular, has gained a lot of attention. In this review, we’ll dive deep into a comparison between two popular models from this series: the Roomba Combo j5+ and the Roomba Combo j7+. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of what each model offers and which one might be the best fit for your home.

Price and Availability

When it comes to buying a new gadget, the price is often the first thing we look at. Both the Roomba Combo j5+ and j7+ are available on Amazon, making them easily accessible for most shoppers.

Roomba Combo j5+: At the time of writing, the j5+ is priced at a mid-range level. This makes it a viable option for those who want a mix of performance and affordability. The j5+ offers a range of features that justify its price tag.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+, on the other hand, is a bit more expensive. This model is positioned as a premium offering in the Roomba lineup. With its higher price, you can expect some advanced features not found in the j5+.

In terms of availability, both models are readily available on Amazon. However, prices and stock levels can vary, so it’s a good idea to check regularly if you’re planning to buy.

Design and Build

The design of a robotic vacuum might not be the first thing on your mind, but it plays a role in its performance and how it fits into your home decor.

Roomba Combo j5+: The j5+ sports a sleek design. It’s compact, which means it can easily slide under most furniture. The top has a clean look with minimal buttons, making it user-friendly. Its build feels sturdy, suggesting it can handle daily cleaning tasks without any issues.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+ shares a lot of design elements with the j5+. However, it has a more refined look. The materials used feel premium, and it seems like it’s built to last. Like the j5+, it’s also compact and user-friendly.

In terms of build quality, both models are top-notch. They’re designed to withstand the wear and tear of daily cleaning. Plus, their compact size ensures they can reach those hard-to-clean spots under furniture.

Key Features

Cleaning Capabilities

A robotic vacuum’s primary job is to clean, so let’s see how these two models stack up.

Roomba Combo j5+: The j5+ offers both vacuuming and mopping. This dual functionality means it can handle a variety of surfaces, from carpets to hardwood floors. Its cleaning system is efficient, picking up most common household debris.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+ also offers vacuuming and mopping. However, its cleaning system is a bit more advanced. It can detect the type of surface it’s on and adjust its cleaning method accordingly. This ensures optimal cleaning regardless of the floor type.

Both models transition seamlessly between different floor types. So, whether you have carpet in one room and tiles in another, these Roombas have got you covered.

Smart Technology Integration

In today’s world, smart integration is a big plus. Let’s see how smart these Roombas are.

Roomba Combo j5+: The j5+ can connect to your home’s Wi-Fi. This allows you to control it using a smartphone app. You can set cleaning schedules, check battery levels, and even get cleaning reports. It also works with voice assistants like Alexa.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+ takes smart integration a step further. Apart from the features offered by the j5+, the j7+ has advanced mapping capabilities. It can remember the layout of your home, ensuring more efficient cleaning paths. Plus, its obstacle avoidance is top-notch.

Battery Life and Performance

No one likes to charge their devices frequently. Let’s see how long these Roombas can last.

Roomba Combo j5+: On a full charge, the j5+ can clean for a decent amount of time. It’s enough to cover a medium-sized home. If the battery runs low during cleaning, it’ll return to its dock to charge.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+ offers a slightly longer battery life. This means it can cover larger areas without needing a recharge. Like the j5+, it also returns to its dock when the battery is low.

Additional Features

Both Roombas come with some extra features that make them stand out.

Roomba Combo j5+: One notable feature is its self-emptying capability. After cleaning, it can empty its dustbin into a larger bin in its dock. This means you don’t have to empty it after every cleaning session.

Roomba Combo j7+: Apart from the self-emptying feature, the j7+ has a unique Dirt Detect Technology. It can sense areas with more dirt and spend extra time cleaning them. Also, for pet owners, the j7+ offers a special feature. It can detect and avoid pet waste, ensuring a mess-free cleaning experience.

User Reviews and Feedback

User feedback is a great way to gauge a product’s performance. Here’s what users are saying about these Roombas.

Roomba Combo j5+: Most users are happy with the j5+. They praise its cleaning efficiency and ease of use. The dual vacuuming and mopping feature is a hit among users. However, some users wish its battery life was a bit longer.

Roomba Combo j7+: The j7+ receives rave reviews from users. Its advanced cleaning system and smart features are highly appreciated. The pet waste avoidance feature, in particular, is a favorite among pet owners. Some users feel it’s a bit pricey, but most believe it’s worth the investment.


Choosing between the Roomba Combo j5+ and j7+ can be tough. Both models offer great features and performance. If you’re on a budget and want a reliable robotic vacuum, the j5+ is a solid choice. However, if you’re willing to invest a bit more for advanced features and top-notch performance, the j7+ is the way to go.

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